Thursday, January 28, 2021

Animal Rescue Center In Emergency!



Animal Rescue Center In Emergency!    It's not just about Amerika or your country you live in...we are in this together...and you are saving the lives of the animals....think a bout that first please : * ) 

Monday, October 26, 2020

God is Shaking the World !!! PART 41 SAUDI ARABIA VIETNAM INDIA


the earth is shifting fast and the ice wall be down 2024 and all coast lines will flood up to 200 miles inland. do re search. iam doing what i can to help...please.  also look at this... they can not save every one so they will not talk a bout it

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cat's Favorite Music Cat Harp

the animals here at the rescue are listening to this now and peace full they are, and nice breeze coming in as well : D love you all, have a nice day !  

Friday, May 29, 2020

President Trump Signs an Executive Order

this is a must watch so you can keep your free speech. beings on this earth has been lied to on every level and so deeply... so sorry for those who believed the lies, so sorry !

Monday, May 11, 2020

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing...

listen to things like this and think a bout these things whilest i
clean the rescue here. we talking a bout treason here and they trying to
over throw the government. this is serious... wake up now ! !
i love you and i thank you ! hug !