Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
{{{ AUGUST 15, 2010 - DECEMBER 11, 2012 }}}
knoeledge and truth
mind over matter
MY thoughts create MY reality
SEND me a million dollars , tax free, real US CURRENCY, unmarked, so I can donate most of it to the "real" needy and poor. I am living in "Unconditional" love for all beings no matter what they look like, who they are, where they been, or what they have done. I had things in the past that I thought had the meaning of love in them, but all this was vain and materialistic. It is not material things that count, it is a bout loving “all”, and helping all that a person can do. It is about light and "unconditional" love. I want to give back to other beings. My mom was murdered when I was 5. I married into 2 abusive relationships to get a way from a step mom, who beat me. I was beat in the marriages for 16 years now divorced 2 times. My 8 children ( 4boys / 4 girls ) have not been with me for many years and it has been found that they struggle. I have three in my life right now, and still search for my others. They love me, even I have nothing to give but love,,, and for this I would like a home for all of us to be together one day.
I have pages and sites where I see others struggle and my heart is wrenched and I cry to see children in need, animals in need of a home, people and all having dis eases in which cost money to fix them. Unfortunately, in this matrix, it takes money and vehicle to help drive some one here to there, or help buy food, transport an animal, by a child some thing that is of benefit, and to save lives. I cry much cause I have next to nothing my 46 years of life here,,,,and would really like a little some thing to help give some one else while I am still here on this earth. I want to feel that joy to have a bundance and to give to others just to see their smile on their face.
I am Vegan. I do not drink, do not do drugs, do not smoke any thing. I have been selling Streetwise for some thing like 15 years and have no will to do that any more. I have bad credit. I have a live-in housekeeping job in an apartment in which I dumpster dive for my food and other necessities. I have link card, but that comes and goes as the state sees fit. I live on 200 a month. I do not fit in any where, so I de cided to give freely as one should on the internet. I only have "Unconditional" love and some health articles and postings to offer,,, to give to those who have an ear to listen. I have nothing more, but I try. I had three cats, and recently 2 were stolen from some mean people in Lisle,,,and now it is just me and Klyde. I am lonely and only find my happiness in helping others. Due to a buse on jobs,,,I will no longer work for any one. I am not doing any get rich quick things either. If you have it in your heart to a buse me more, leave this ad now. I am in great hope that some one out there will hear me, have mercy, and give me the biggest break I could ever have in life,,,is to have a bundance and help others with it. This is all I can tell you.
A million dollars is NOT a lot of money, but I will do my best and use it to the best of my knoeledge in a very wise way. I am you, and you are me. Let us help each other. Please ?
:* (
If you can not help,,, please ? would you send good thoughts on my children, my cats (I still search for my other two to find them one day), and me, so I will make it on this earth and be able to really have my dreams come true,,please ????
Send to :
laura iancu
4200 N. Ashland Avenue # 2 D
Chicago, Illinois 60613
I send you good thoughts and blessings for infinite, amein and namaste : ))
You can find me on 5 Facebook Pages, LinkedIn, Hi5, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Tagged, Swom, MySpace, You Tube, Craicbook, Viewpoints, Blogger, Live Spaces, all over the map, Cause ? I love you. I really love you. I am just trying to help where ever I can, but I just do not have money yet to make more of a good and pure impact. But, thanks to you,, one day soon in great hopes,,,I will : )) , Amein and Namaste.