Stop Paying Tax ! The IRS IS A Lie ! Watch This, and Pass ON !
Get who;e neighborhoods to gether. get over 100, maybe hundreds. Band to gether and re fuse to pay tax. Do it ! R-E-V-O-L-T !!!!!!! GET THIS OUT TO ALL !
Need Good Home For Animal Rescue (Minnesota/North Dakota)
Need House For Retired Animal Rescue (North Dakota/Minnesota)
Iam 49 and Iam starting my life a gain and Iam starting an Animal Rescue for Retired Abused Animals and am in need of a house in good shape. If you have a house that you do not use and do not want ( plumbing, electric, roof, heat, foundation all good ), in the quiet COUNTRY ( to donate to our furry friends ) , I will cherish it, and save many lifes. Iam looking for one in Minnesota or North Dakota. Iam a clean freak and highly responsible being. I have no tolerance for violence or a buse. I do not party and will not a llow it on the land. I do not smoke any thing and also will not a llow it on the land. This is my deepest passion and I need you to help me , if you can. I only need good warm place where I can care for them, give food and water to, and a lot of hugs and kisses, and live our lifes in "Unconditional" love. Hug ! Please contact or contact
I am Vegan, Animals and other beings were not put here as food consumption.They are our friends. They are a nother species as you all are. Many have been dumbed down, and do not use 98% of the DNA,,, Cause ? It has been deactivated which begins/age six. The bodies are lop sided, and most do not use the other kidney, & and you gonna tell me some thing is not wrong here ? People are shut down, and what little they have of them selves left, they are losing through torture and murder, etc. of other beings, including them selves.I would not hurt any being, not even a shape shifter. They love too. I like to be in quiet places where I can hear Mother Earth and creations.I hope that I will be with the other beings one day, and I wait for order and peace every where for infinite.I love knowledge and truth. I will help to heal others one day and help to bring the "Unconditional" love back to every one, every where.
I do not drink, do not smoke, no drugs, and I just am a simple person.