Saturday, February 15, 2014

ENIGMA - Déjà vu - 432Hz

my princess now on 4th stage and i do not even have the 249 and the over nite shipping to re verse the cancer and aids. and i cry day after day with a wrenched heart with no monet left to help her. i rushed her to ER yester day and it took all i had with not enough to get her now what she needs to stop this : * ( i play this song and cry in hopes of great miracle : * ( and i hope that creator, source any one will be sent to help. please send my Princess love and healing : * (

Monday, February 10, 2014

Stop Puppy Mills - It Starts With YOU - The Animal Rescue Site

Stop Puppy Mills - It Starts With YOU - The Animal Rescue Site

Please sign this and share this immediately. This is long over due. "Uncodnitonal" love is the only way. I want ot hear from you and knoe how you feel. If you be lieve and want unconditional love re stored to this placed...then you MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!!