Tuesday, September 23, 2014

SPCA International

SPCA International

don’t close your eyes and shut your ears. Please help me save dogs like
Whyna. Look Whyna in the eye and feel his pain. Then do something about
it. You can take action right now by sponsoring our upcoming spay and
neuter event. It only takes $19 to fix one animal and prevent countless
unwanted animals from suffering like Whyna. Please give as much as you
can. We must reach our $35,000 goal by Sept 30th.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Senior dog who saved family from fire is badly injured and in need of help - National Dogs | Examiner.com

Senior dog who saved family from fire is badly injured and in need of help - National Dogs | Examiner.com

Needs Help Now !

Petition | Stop the testing and killing of puppies, kittens and other young animals BORN TO DIE in a UK laboratory | Change.org

Click Link Be Loe >>>

Petition | Stop the testing and killing of puppies, kittens and other young animals BORN TO DIE in a UK laboratory | Change.org

3 days left to sign this petition. Does not matter where you live. You are voicing for the help less and those who can not speak out for them selfs. Take back your life and remember that you came from love and YOU ARE LOVE ! Live it, breathe it, and never leave it a gain !

LIVE VIDEO: World's largest climate march | MSNBC

LIVE VIDEO: World's largest climate march | MSNBC

Wake up and watch this !!!!! this is huge and this is great. we do this and then march for the animals and keep going, we re turn to unconditional love !!!!!! come on !!!!!!

People's Climate March Livestream

This is live, watch it now !!!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

sadie getting into bed...Heartbreaking

BoxerRescue BostonRescue Vermont 8:38pm Sep 20
URGENT SERIOUS medical needs, HELP SADIE, please donate... paypal button at http://boxerRescueVT,tripod.com http://youtu.be/dAq_qZFJojw
or give through below fundraiser link (but gofundme.com will take
bigger % as processing fee so we prefer paypal as we get more of the $
that way)... Degenerative Myopathy Medical and related Expenses www.gofundme.com/WeLoveSadie

Please share far and wide, Show her some REAL LOVE, Donate what you
can. God Bless this sweet little boxer gal, SHE IS THE BEST! Please help
her... THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE... God Bless you all for giving your

Kryon - Thickness of Love (EN + ES)